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Keep Informed
Kia ora and Talofa lava
My name is Ruth Wong, My mum is Māori, my dad is Samoan and my husband is Filipino/Chinese and we have two beautiful adult children who have this beautiful heritage. I am the Communications Advisor for Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated and I love working for the iwi and sharing information to empower people. Ok, so you have come to this page because you want to be kept informed. That's great! I encourage you to go on our email distribution list by filling in the online form. You will start to receive panui via your email. These are open topic emails but it's the fastest way to receive information of things happening at the iwi office that may be of interest or even beneficial to you.
Communication Strategy
Level 1 - Communications through your elected leadership
We have six (6) constituent Taiwhenua/Rohe and two (3) functioning Taura Here groups. Our Governance Board is made up of elected representatives from the six (6) Taiwhenua/Rohe, two (2) Taura Here, one (1) Kaumātua and one (1) Chairperson. These Board members govern the affairs of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. The Board advocates for Ngāti Kahungunu with Government Agencies at Regional and National level. Communications from the Board members is taken back to their constituent Taiwhenua/Rohe or Taura Here groups and filtered back to their marae representatives and to the people.
Level 2 - Communications through the activities of our Annual Plan
The Board governs while the Operations team delivers and does the mahi. Click here to view our operations team and structure. We have units that were created as a result of a marae hikoi in 2001 where whānau told iwi leaders what their aspirations were. This information was developed into the current 25 year vision (2026). During the 2002-2005 year a number of strategic plans were developed to progress the 25 year vision. In 2009 the operational structure for the tari was designed to allow an integrated approach to all activities within the office. The structure allows the tari to implement the actions of the iwi strategies. The tari has an Annual Plan which has within it the activities of the iwi. It is important that whānau know and understand the annual plan and how it connects to us and our whānau development.
Level 3 - Communications through our iwi Communication network
Our goal as an organisation is to ensure that first our people know what we do and why we do it, then our communities and then the rest of the world. We are proud to be Kahungunu and we have no hesitation telling the world who we are, what we are doing, and how we will benefit our whānau and why our whānau are so important to us.
The following are ways we communicate with our whānau/hapū/iwi:
Pānui ki te iwi - which is an email network. Instant panui.
Daily panui via Radio Kahungunu
Board Summary paper sent out on a bi-monthly basis
Chairmans Update
This Ngāti Kahungunu website
AGM at Annual Hui-a-Iwi
Freephone 0800 Kahungunu [524 864]
Friendly personnel to greet you at our office at 304 Fitzroy Avenue, Hastings.
Efficient email service
Advertising through local newspapers throughout the Kahungunu rohe and abroad if necessary
Media Releases and Advertisements
Good old word of mouth
The Power of Good Communications
Communications is a very important part of ensuring our membership is involved, informed and kept updated on the progress along the way. A good communicator should keep their audience informed using the five W's. What is happening? When is it happening? Where is it happening? Who is it happening for? and Why is it happening? A good communicator would inform you of upcoming hui, wānanga, events and activities and provide any information that may strengthen and benefit our whānau.
The purpose and vision of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorproated is to enhance the mana and well-being of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi - the people of Kahungunu, For this purpose, a good communicator should keep abreast of information at all levels and ensure it is filtered through accordingly.
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