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When you submit your online registration you will be emailed a copy of your completed form

A new field has been added to the online form Maori Tipuna this field is needed as the generations become more distant

Check your spam folder: There is an issue if you are using a Gmail address when registering you will not receive a copy of your submitted registration, otherwise 

Birth Verification: can include a copy of your birth certificate, drivers license, passport

To register with Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Inc you need to show whakapapa to a Marae and Hapu in the Ngati Kahungunu rohe or be of māori descent living in Ngāti Kahungunu (Nga Mata Waka).

If needed, your form will be emailed to one of our whakapapa experts around the Kahungunu rohe which stretches from Wairoa down to the Wairarapa

The registration process can take up to 21 working days to complete (it often doesn't if all the information is given)

When registered you will receive an email with your Iwi Member Number

If you are completing this from an iphone, or other apple computer you will need to make sure the attachments are either PDF or JPG, PNG

It is important that your information is kept up to date.  

Please advise us of any changes to your contact information.

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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