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Iwi Elections Underway - 24 March 2022 - Ruth Wong - Director Smart Services, Communications Advisor


Nominations for the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Iwi triennial Board Elections closed on Monday 28 February giving all eligible applicants ample time to indicate their interest and submit their nomination forms. At least one nomination for each of the ten vacancies on the Board was received.


More than one nomination was received for the Chairperson, Kaumātua, Kahungunu ki Wairarapa and Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua vacancies, therefore an election will take place for these four positions.


  • Chairperson (one vacancy)

    • BARBER, Bayden

    • TOMOANA, Ngahiwi

  • Kaumātua (one vacancy)

    • HAPUKU, Jerry

    • HILTON, Haami Tekuru Timu

  • Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua (one vacancy)

    • HOW, Nigel

    • WILSON, Naomi

  • Kahungunu ki Wairarapa (one vacancy)

    • IHAKA, Melissa

    • RUTENE, Andrea

    • WAIPUKA, Jenishavorne


The following six candidates will go through unopposed:

  • Kahungunu ki Tamaki Nui a Rua Trust – HAPE, Hayden

  • Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga – HOKIANGA, Thompson

  • Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea – HEPERI-SMITH, JB

  • Te Tawhenua o Te Whanganui-a-Orotu – RETI, Hōri

  • Taurahere Runanga – Northern District –BEATTIE, Eruera

  • Taurahere Runanga – Southern District – RUAWAI-HAMILTON, Brian


The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board Elections are well underway. At the beginning of each election term, we approach the event with a fresh perspective and look forward to who might put themselves forward. Most of the candidates come through a marae election onto their respective Taiwhenua before they can be eligible to be nominated to the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board. For the Taurahere, they need to have to be part of an active Kahungunu Board to be eligible for nomination, and for the Kaumātua position, they need to be 60 years or over, be proficient in Kahungunu tikanga, kawa and reo, and reside in the Kahungunu rohe. We respect that it takes time and a long-term goal to push through to just be eligible to put yourself forward for positions on the iwi Board. All nominees are to be commended for putting themselves forward for this election.

Voting papers were posted to all eligible registered iwi members on 24 March 2022. There are currently 19,400 members who are eligible to vote. To vote, you must be registered with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, be a descendant of Kahungunu, and be 18yrs or over. It is important that we have the correct postal address to be able to send you the postal ballot voting papers.   


It’s easy to vote. For the past two elections, we have used an online system which has worked very well. Once you receive your voting paper, you can choose and tick your preferred candidate or candidates and put it into the free reply post envelope provided and pop it in the post, or you can vote online and throw the voting paper in the rubbish. There’s no way anyone can vote more than once. Our system is smart! The voting paper has a unique bar code that cannot be duplicated when it enters the system.  All instructions are on the voting paper.


Everyone will vote for the Chairperson position. Only those 60yrs and over will be able to vote for the Kaumātua position, and whānau who affiliate to Wairarapa or Wairoa will get to vote for their preferred candidate.


Voting closes 12noon on 26 April and new registrations and updates to the system will not take place after the 19th April until the election is declared closed. This gives administrators time to enter late registrations.


Online voting is by far the most efficient way to vote, however, for those who live near the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Office on Fitzroy Avenue in Hastings, there will be a ballot box at the tari, otherwise, drop it into any postal box in time for it to get to the election officer before it closes at 12noon on Tuesday 26 April 2022.

Results of the election will be announced at a Special General Meeting also held on Tuesday 26 April at 4:30 pm via zoom.


If you want to learn more about the candidates click here to view their profiles that were published in Tihei Kahungunu on 14 March 2022. To view the notice regarding the election click here.  See below the Chair position candidates discussion. 


The Independent Returning Officer for the NKII Board Election is, Dale Ofsoske of Election Services, 


© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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