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Kahungunu Iwi Rongoā Revitalisation - Whakarauora Rongoā


The Kahungunu Rongā Rōpū (#KRR) was established 10 June 2010 through a Hui-a-Iwi and ran as an independant organisation made up of Kahungunu Rongoā Practioners.


That same year #KRR decided to become members of the national rongoā body Te Paepae Matua. Elections were held and Kahungunu whānau had chosen Te Maari Joe and Kapu Matiaha on the Board of Te Paepae Matua.


At the request of the whānau, in 2010 #KRR came under the umbrella of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. and are now known as the Ngāti Kahungunu Rongoā Rōpū (#NKRR).


In 2012 Te Paepae Matua and Ngā Ringa Whakahaere (both national Rongoā bodies) merged to form Te Kāhui Rongoā Trust. #NKRR held elections with Te Maari Joe and Frances Smiler-Edwards were voted to represent Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi on the Te Kahui Rongoā Board -

  • Grow, nurture and protect Rongoā Rākau.

  • Increase mātauranga, capacity and capabilities of Rongoā.

  • Establish a Register of traditional practicing healers within the Ngāti Kahungunu Rohe.

  • Protect traditional healers.

  • Preserve knowledge.

  • Support the Wai 262.





Tāne Purotu, Wahine Purotu korua ko te tau e........

What would Ngāti Kahungunu look like if we lived 15 years longer?

Returning to our natural pharmacies...











Ngāti Kahungunu Rongoā Rōpū Contacts

Wairoa: Marama Tareha-Te Hata Ph: 0272603318

Heretaunga: Ruiha Stirling Ph: 022 8822 997

Wairarapa: Frances Reiri-Smith  021 321 6653


 Meeting Dates: 04 Dec 2014; 05 Mar 2015; 04 June 2015.
All meetings are open. Whānau nau mai, haere mai:-)

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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