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Making Our Mark

New Zealand will know and recognize Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi, our values and our iwi rohe.


Kahungunu totally visible

  •  Internationally recognized brand, our cultural icon ~ the Pāua

  •  With identifying colours (pīhau pāua)

  •  Poupou at the iwi gateways marking our boundaries

  •  Ngāti Kahungunu marae signposted

  •  Reinstate Kahungunu place names


Kahungunu totally audible - be heard loud and clear

  •  Conversant in Kahungunu reo

  •  Public service announcements in te reo Māori

  •  Paremata Kahungunu (Parliament)

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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