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Three Waters Reform - Drinking water, Waste water, Storm water


The delivery of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater – the three waters services – is changing.

All New Zealanders need safe, reliable drinking water, wastewater and stormwater – the three waters services. We depend on these for the health and wellbeing of our communities and our environment.

We believe that our natural environment provides our physical sustenance as well as the spiritual aspect of our existence; The health of our environment has a direct influence on the health of our people; We are charged to preserve and protect our air, water and lands and the resources within for the benefit and survival of our whanau, hapu and iwi; We respect the mana and wellbeing of our whanau, hapu and iwi.




Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi tuatoru a-tokomaha puta noa i te motu, ā, ko tōna takutaimoana te rohe tuarua a-whānui i Aotearoa, ara, mai i Te Māhia ki te Wairarapa tonu.Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi is the third largest iwi and has the second longest coastline and area in Aotearoa from Māhia to Wairarapa.


Ko te taiao te ūkaipō me te pā whakawairua o tāua, o te tangata.We believe that our natural environment provides our physical sustenance as well as the spiritual aspect of our existence.


Ki te kore e pai te hauora o te taiao, tena, ka kore e pai te ora o te tangata. The health of our environment has a direct influence on the health of our people.


Ko ta te tangata mahi, he haumanu, he tiaki i te hau, i te wai, i te whenua me ona ahuatanga katoa, ma reira e ora tonu ai o tatau whanau, o tatau hapu, me to tatau iwi. We are charged to preserve and protect our air, water and lands and the resources within for the benefit and survival of our whanau, hapu and iwi;


He kauanuanu ta matau ki te mana me te hauora o nga whanau, o nga hapu me te iwi. We respect the mana and wellbeing of our whanau, hapu and iwi.




Ko ta Te Kaporeihana o Ngati Kahungunu iwi he tautoko, he kaurera i nga wawata o te tangata whenua, o nga whanau, o nga hapu, o te iwi ano hoki;Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated has an obligation to advocate on behalf of our tangata whenua, whānau, hapū and iwi.


Ko te tiaki ano hoki i o tatau tika me a tatau taonga.To ensure our rights and our interests are protected.


Ko te whakakotahi i ta Ngati Kahungunu tu ki tenei kaupapa nui, ara, nga wai a te ao Māori.To ensure the Crown is aware that Fresh Water is vital for the survival of our Ngati Kahungunu whanau, hapu and iwi; He whakamahara ake i te Karauna, ko te wai maori te waiora o Ngati Kahungunu, o ona whanau, o ona hapu; To consolidate a Ngati Kahungunu position on Water.



  • Iwi and hapū rights must be provided for, substantively and procedurally. These must ‘follow the Treaty’ in the sense that they must be anchored at the place, where the customary authority derives from the land.

  • Te Mana o Te Wai and Ngā Mātāpono o te Wai are the appropriate environmental safeguards for water in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and as such should be championed, elevated, and socialised to ensure they are manifest in practice.

  • Te Oranga o Te Taiao is a concept supported as the overarching environmental ethic for wider Resource Management reforms, and there is complete conceptual consistency between Te Mana o Te Wai and Te Oranga o Te Taiao.


The Department of Internal Affairs has been assigned as the Government arm to lead the 3Waters Reform. keep abreast by reading their website.

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