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COVID main page

The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated mission is to uphold the mana and well-being of Ngāti Kahungunu. In response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak we want to keep our whānau informed, safe and well. Click on the images below to find out more. 



Kia Ora whānau, link into this Unite against COVID-19 page to see opportunities to help you cope during this time. 

Latest Updates 

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated



Our mission is to enhance the mana and well-being of Ngāti Kahungunu. Stay alive and well!



During these times our families need information and assurance that well-being can be maintained. The iwi communications plan is to link appropriate information to the whānau via our structure of communications which is through our  constituent Taiwhenua who know their key enablers of whānau ora.  



The following key messages are evolving as the pandemic evolves each day. It is important that we keep our whānau informed.


  • What is COVID-19 Coronavirus?

  • Keep abreast of Government messaging.

  • How can I prevent my family from getting the virus?

  • Wash our hands with soap, then dry.

  • Tikanga can change to ensure Kawa is maintained. 

  • Stay home, stay well. 

  • Contact the Doctor by phone first before going in to get checked.

  • Find safe ways to support our older or vulnerable community members.

  • Don’t panic, discuss things with your family

  • Essential places are still available. Supermarkets, Chemists, Doctors etc.

  • Kai Hau Kai will be available from time to time through your Taiwhenua.

  • The sharing of good activity ideas for the whanau while being safe at home. 

  • Stay calm, dont panic, look after yourself and your family.

  • Stay well physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

  • We can unite through Karakia.


Kia Ora whānau, my name is Heather Skipworth. I am all about moving and making good choices for a healthy lifestyle.

Let's karakia often, Eat well, Exercise, Remain positive and Love One Another


Tihei Mauri Ora



Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Boundary

Click on the area you reside to view further contact details and information

Tihei Mauri Ora

Pictures of some Kai Hau Kai deliveries 

The Tihei Mauri Ora Emergency Response Centre is a Pandemic Coordination unit that will  deliver an equitable response to COVID -19 for Māori and Pasifika whānau residing in the region of Ngāti Kahungunu, from the Wharerata Ranges in the Wairoa District extending to the Remutaka Ranges in South Wairarapa.

The target audience group for assistance is our most vulnerable whānau, ie. Kaumātua and whānau with pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease. We value all people and desire that all people stay well.  

For Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated (NKII), our communication to whānau will always be through our six constituent Taiwhenua. It is important that Māori whether tangata whenua or ngā mata waka who live in the rohe of Kahungunu, link to these constituent groups to keep abreast of the support that may come through the centre. If you are one of our vulnerable whānau members, please let your Taiwhenua know. 

A message from Aunty Aria and her boys about keeping our homes clean and safe. 

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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