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Ketuketu Kīwaha

The Ketuketu Kīwaha (Idiom of the Week) project has been developed by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated to encourage and increase the use of the Māori language throughout the Ngāti Kahungunu region, in particular providing a platform for the community to learn colloquial phrases and idioms which can be used in everyday life. The project has been designed to target all sectors of the community using a wide spectrum of communication methods including Radio Kahungunu, social media networks, Youtube, the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated e-mail list, newspapers, schools, early childhood centres, Kōhanga Reo, marae and other key stakeholders. The kīwaha (idiom) have also been accompanied by a broad translation (English and Māori), the context and a short roleplay to help demonstrate the appropriate usage. Videos have also been recorded demonstrating the appropriate intonation and tone of voice when using the kīwaha in the appropriate context. 


The idea of this project stems from the recently reviewed Ngāti Kahungunu Māori Language Strategy which places a strong emphasis on the need for the Māori language to be used within homes. Ketuketu Kīwaha (Idiom of the Week) provides this opportunity for whānau and all community members to use simple everyday phrases within the home, at work, in the playground, at school, in all domains. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated is delighted with the overwhelming support received to date by local newspapers and schools, and hope that the community will appreciate this initiative and make 2014 the year to start using Te Reo Māori in everyday life.

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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