Te Whakapuatanga i ngā Mana Tika a Ngāti Kahungunu
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho E ako ana i a tātau, ko ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu ngā kaipupuri i te mana whakaae ki te whakahaere i te mana whakahau a ngā tāngata arikitanga, mai rā anō.
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho e ako ana anō i a tātau, ko ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu kua whakaae, mai rā anō, nā te mana i tuku i ngā tika me ngā mana whakahaere, hei kaitiaki, mō ngā take e pā ana ki te kaitiakitanga me te whakamarutanga ki runga i a tātau, hei tāngata ahurei.
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho e ako ana anō i a tātau, ko ngā tika me ngā mana whakahaere i te kaitiakitanga koia nei e tapiri ana, mai rā anō, i te kaitiakitanga me te whakamarutanga o Papatūānuku, koia nei e atawhai ana i te oranga katoa,
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho e ako ana anō i a tātau, i roto i ngā mahi whakatutuki i ngā tika me ngā mana whakahaere o te kaitiakitanga, he rite tonu te tautoko me te whakanui i ngā whakapapa i herea tētahi ki tētahi, mā te mahi tahi ki raro i te kotahitanga o ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu.
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho e whakapūmau ana e whakatutuki ana i ngā tika me ngā mana whakahaere o te Kaitiakitanga hei wāhanga o ngā tika kaupapa-ā-ture o te rangatiratanga,
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho e tautoko ana anō ko te tino rangatiratanga koia nei te tika me te mahinga tapu e pupuri ana e ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi ki te whakatinana i ngā whakahaere ki raro i ngā tikanga e herea ana i a rātau katoa ngā uri o Ngāti Kahungunu
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho e tautoko ana anō ko te mana me ngā tika ki te tū hei tāngata arikitanga, me te whakahaere i te mana kaupapa-ā-ture o te tino rangatiratanga, e kore e taea te tuku, te hoatu atu rānei i te mea e pupuritia ana tēnei mana, e ngā tīpuna, i raro i te kaitiakitanga mō te oranga me te whakamarutanga o ngā mokopuna.
Hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho e whakapūmau ana ahakoa ēnei wā o te whakarerekētanga o ngā take tangata, ka pupuri tonu e ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu tōna tika ki te whanake me te hanga i ngā āhua hou, i ngā rōpū hou ki te whakatinana i te tino rangatiratanga hei mana kaupapa ā- ture, me te tiaki i ngā wāriu me ngā tikanga hei tūāpapa mō taua rōpū.
I runga i te whakaaetanga o te mātauranga kei roto i tā tātau hītori me ngā tikanga tuku iho, me te whakaaetanga ki ērā taonga pono e mau tonu ana i ēnei rā, tēnei ka pānuitia e te Whakapuakitanga i ngā Mana Tika a Ngāti Kahungunu, e whai ake nei-
Kei ngā tāngata katoa o ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi tōpū o Ngāti Kahungunu te tika mō tā rātau tūranga tangata. I runga i taua tika mā rātau tonu e whakatau māhorahora i tā rātau ake tūranga tōrangapū, mā rātau anō e whakatau māhorahora i tā rātau tūranga whanaketanga, ōhanga, hapori, tikanga.
Kei ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu ā rātau tika ki te whakamau i tā rātau tino rangatiratanga ngātahi, tōpū rānei, hei whakapūmau i te oranga, te whakamarutanga, me te mana o ngā tāngata katoa ko rātau nei ngā uri o ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu.
Kei ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu ā rātau tika ki te whakamau i tā rātau tino rangatiratanga ngātahi, tōpū rānei, i runga i ngā whakaaro nui o otātau tipuna i whakapūmau ko te kaha me te mana me whakamaua kia ōrite, i ngā wā katoa, ki ngā herenga atu a ngā tangata katoa ki ngā atua, ki ngā tipuna, me rātau hoki tētahi ki tētahi.
Kei ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu ā rātau tika ki te whakamau i tā rātau tino rangatiratanga ngātahi, tōpū rānei, kia taea e rātau te whakatau i te āhua, te hōhonu, me ngā herenga e pā ana ki ngā honohononga tōrangapū, hapori, tikanga, ōhanga rānei, ki ngā rōpū, ki ngā tāngata rānei, ehara rātau i ngā uri o ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu.
Kei ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu ā rātau tika ki te whakamau i tā rātau tino rangatiratanga ngātahi, tōpū rānei, kia taea e rātau te tiaki, te atawhai, te ukauka i ā rātau wāriu, a rātau wai, a rātau whenua, me ētahi ake taonga katoa (ahakoa papatupu, memeha)
Kei ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu ā rātau tika ki te whakamau i tā rātau tino rangatiratanga ngātahi, tōpū rānei, ki ngā mahi a pā ana ki te whakamahi, te whakamau, me ngā painga o ngā takenga arumoni, hangarau o ināianei, o ngā wā kei mua, e pā ana ki ō rātau oranga, a rātau wai, me a rātau whenua.
Kei ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu ā rātau tika ki te whakamau i tā rātau tino rangatiratanga ngātahi, tōpū rānei, ki ngā take e pā ana ki te tiakitanga, te whakakaha ake, me te whakahaere i ngā mātauranga katoa kei raro i te mana, ka tau mai rānei ki raro i te mana o ngā taonga mātauranga, taonga tikanga o ngā Hapū me ngā Iwi o Ngāti Kahungunu.
Declaration of Ngāti Kahungunu Rights.
History and tradition teaches us that the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have always possessed the mana to exercise the authority of sovereign peoples,
History and tradition also teaches us that the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu always accepted that the mana imposed both rights and responsibilities as kaitiaki in relation to the care and protection of ourselves as unique peoples,
History and tradition also teaches us that the rights and responsibilities of kaitiakitanga have always included the care and protection of Papatūānuku who nurtures all life,
History and tradition further teaches us that in the discharge of the rights and responsibilities of kaitiakitanga the Hapū always acknowledged and respected the whakapapa they shared one with another by acting together in congress as the Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu,
History and tradition confirms that the rights and responsibilities of Kaitiakitanga are discharged as part of the constitutional right of tino rangatiratanga,
History and tradition also confirms that tino rangatiratanga was the right and solemn duty which the Hapū and Iwi had to exercise governance according to the tikanga which joined together all those who were descendants of Ngāti Kahungunu,
History and tradition further confirms that the mana and the right to be sovereign peoples and to exercise the constitutional authority of tino rangatiratanga could never be abdicated nor given away because they were held in trust by the tipuna for the care and protection of the mokopuna,
History and tradition emphasises that in the changing times of human affairs the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu reserved the right to develop and devise new ways or institutions within which tino rangatiratanga could be exercised as a constitutional authority while preserving the values and tikanga upon which it was based.
Accepting the wisdom of our history and tradition, and accepting their prevailing truths today, the following Declaration of Ngāti Kahungunu Rights solemnly proclaims -
That all peoples of the collective Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely preserve their economic, social and cultural development.
That the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have the right to exercise their individual or collective tino rangatiratanga in order to ensure the welfare, protection, and mana of all peoples who are descendants of the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu.
That the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have the right to exercise their individual or collective tino rangatiratanga according to the values of our tipuna which ensured that power and authority should always be exercised in balance with the obligations all peoples have to the atua, the tipuna, and each other
That the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have the right to exercise their individual or collective tino rangatiratanga in order to determine the nature, extent, and obligations inherent in their political, social, cultural, and economic relations with institutions or peoples who are not descendants of the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu.
That the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have the right to exercise their individual or collective tino rangatiratanga in order to protect, nurture, and sustain all their values, waters lands, and other taonga (tangible and intangible)
That the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have the right to exercise their individual or collective tino rangatiratanga in relation to the use, application, and benefits of existing and future commercial or technological advances as they may affect their lives, waters and lands.
That the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu have the right to exercise their individual or collective tino rangatiratanga in relation to the protection, enhancement, and control of all knowledge which has been, and will be, part of the intellectual and cultural property of the Hapū and Iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu.
This Declaration of Ngāti Kahungunu Rights was written by Māori Law Expert Moana Jackson who also worked extensively on international indigenous issues around the world. In 1988, Moana was part of the first Māori delegation to the United Nation’s Working Group drafting the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Between 1997-1999 the Ngāti Kahungunu Constitutional Review Committee, Dr Moana Jackson, Mereana Pitman, Mere Ruru, and Taanga Lawrence, met and spoke with 17,000 Ngāti Kahungunu descendants. Through the review process, the committee drew together a Bill of Rights that gives expression to our Ngāti Kahungunu mana and rangatiratanga. This set of fundamental rights for the descendants of Ngāti Kahungunu is titled the Declaration of Ngāti Kahungunu Rights. In 2001 this declaration was adopted at an Annual General Meeting of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. The Declaration was translated by Lewis Moeau.