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Environment & Natural Resources

Ngaio Tiuka
Director, Environment and Natural Resources Unit
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Mataatua, ko Te Kuha Tārewa ngā marae
Ko Te Whai-a-te-Motu, ko te Poho o Hinekura, ko Ruapani ngā whare tīpuna
Ko Te Urewera, ko Ngāti Hinekura nga hapū
Ko Whakatāne te awa
Ko Waikaremoana te wai kaukau a ōku mātua tīpuna
Ko Manawarū, Huiārau, Tarapounamu, ko Maungapōhatu ōku maunga kārangaranga
Ko Tūhoe, Ko Ruapani ngā iwi
Ngaio is the Director of Environment and Natural Resources Unit and oversees the aspirations of Kahungunu for the use and management of marine and freshwater fisheries within our rohe and is responsible for providing high quality analytical advice and research that supports the implementation of the Kahungunu ki Uta, Kahungunu ki Tai Marine and Freshwater strategic plan mai i Paritū ki Tūrakirae.

Shade Smith
Senior Analyst, Environment and Natural Resources Unit
Ko Taumatamahoe te maunga
ko Tangonge te wai
Ko Tinana te waka
Ka U ki uta ki Waipapa e
Ko Tumoana te tangata
Ko Ngāti Te Ao, Te Uri o Hina, Tahaawai me Ngāti Pakahi ngā hapū
Ko Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri ngā iwi
Shade is the Senior Analyst for the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated's Environment and Natural Resources Unit. Shade works alongside Director, Ngaio Tiuka to undertake analysis and research to provide high quality advice that will ultimately support and protect Ngāti Kahungunu environmental and natural resource interests. Shades passion is the empowerment of indigenous peoples to become more involved and productive in providing resource management solutions.
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