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Governance Structure




An updated copy of the Constitution can be requested from the iwi office. Phone: 0800 524 864



“He ao te rangi ka uhia, ma te huruhuru te manu ka rere, ka tau”


Mai Mokonuiarangi ki Te Huiarau, ki Panekiri hoki,

Mai Panekiri ki Tukurangi, ki Pakiaka ki Titirangi, ānei, ngā tihi o te rohe o Ngai Tamaterangi.

Ko Waikaremoana te moana, ko Waiau te awa e whāngaihia raua te whenua, ngā tangata hoki.

Ko Rangiahua, ko Te Kuha, ko Arimawha ngā marae,

Ko Tamaterangi te tangata, tiheei mauri tu, tiheii mauri ora.   


Profile (April 2022)

I hold fast to the whakatauki of our tipuna, Tamaterangi, quoted above. Said to be a reference to the appropriateness of representation and use of resources.  


Work Experience

Described as hardworking and honest, with a working life focused on the socio-economic, socio-cultural and educational (community and individual) development of whanau, hapu & Iwi. This began with a 15+ year stint in 1975 with Te Tari Māori / Department of Maori Affairs and its replacement agencies.


I’ve since worked in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet as a Kaitakawaenga a Iwi. Two Industry Training Organisations - Quality Management roles Te Wananga o Aotearoa – Te Korowai Awhina / Social Worker. Teachers & Education Council - Whakaruruhau Kaupapa Māori and Pouarahi at Heritage NZ / Pouhere Taonga.


I’ve contributed as Chair, Executive and Committee Member on a range of voluntary Community Work and Education organisations, providing general social, health and sporting programmes and services. I’ was elected onto the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board in 2019 and was unopposed in the more recent election held April 2022.

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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