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Governance Structure


An updated copy of the Constitution can be requested from the iwi office. Phone: 0800 524 864



  • Ko Iwitea te marae

  • Ko Takitimu te waka

  • Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi

  • Ko Nigel How tōku ingoa


Portfolio (April 2022)

Tēnā koutou katoa,


When I became a member of our Iwi Board three years ago, no-one could have foreseen the uncertainty and chaos created by Covid-19 across all levels of our Iwi. This kutu has dominated the past two years.


The challenges Covid-19 continues to bring have also created opportunities. It has created a space to re-examine, re-purpose and re-direct our Iwi Board. It has made us more resilient, more responsive, more attentive, and work even harder for our registered members and wider communities.


As this work is not finished, I humbly stand again to provide continuity and stability at the governance level over the next three years. This means advocating for what is best and working alongside others to obtain the best outcomes for all. 

Wairoa is where I was born, raised, and educated. My youth was spent learning from an eclectic mix of Kaumātua. This interaction has led me to serve our community through sharing skills and knowledge for the benefit of others on many levels. 

My home is Iwitea Village. I am a part-time curator at Wairoa Museum. My life is filled with family, work, gardening, and weaving. I also serve on numerous committees, many of which involve considerable voluntary hours. 


I firmly uphold the values of hard work, communication, practical support, and advocating for our people and marae. My elders taught me to do this through common sense, negotiation, determination, and fairness. 


Currently, I am a Board Member and the Chairman of Wairoa Taiwhenua. It is my aim to continue to contribute meaningfully to our community through this platform. 

Other Interests & Involvements

  • Curator, Wairoa Museum Te Kopututanga o Te Wairoa

  • NKII Appointed Committee Member, Te Ropu Kaiawhina Taonga MTG

  • Trustee, Whakaki 2N Incorporated

  • Secretary & Trustee, Iwitea Marae

  • Secretary & Trustee, Iwitea Whakamahana Marae Trust

  • Applicant, The 23 hapu of Iwitea Marae Takutai Moana Application

  • Governance Member, Freshwater Improvement Fund Whakaki

  • Honorary Member, Poutaka Branch MWWL

  • Governance Member, Wairoa Community Partnerships Group

  • Chairman & Board Member, Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Incorporated

  • Board Member, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

  • Member, Karanga Aotearoa Repatriation Network


Click here to find out more about Wairoa Taiwhenua

Nigel How

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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