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Te Reo,Tikanga & Mātauranga

Ngāti Kahungunu ki te whaiao, ki te ao mārama!
Te Reo Māori Strategy for Ngāti Kahungunu are as follows:

People will be confident to use quality language within their communities;

Ngāti Kahungunu will suitably safeguard its knowledge regarding the language;

There will be a wide range of resources to support Ngāti Kahungunu descendants learning the language;


Mātauranga strategy for Ngāti Kahungunu are as follows:
Strengthen, support and guide Kahungunu ākonga, whānau, hapū, and iwi to achieve mātauranga success, which also further advances or positively influences their social, economic and environmental determinants, toward positive holistic wellbeing.
Strengthen, support and guide stakeholders, to further advance the self-determined education aspirations, achievements and successes for Kahungunu ākonga, whānau, hapū and iwi.

Design, strengthen, support, grow, guide and advocate equitable, sustainable as well as enduring relationships and partnerships, which empower ākonga, whānau, hapū and iwi to fulfil their self-determined educational aspirations, achievements and successes.


Networking with Te Reo providers within the Kahungunu rohe.

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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