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Te Reo, Tikanga & Matauranga Strategy


In 2002, NKII visited more than 50 marae in a consultation exercise to develop a strategic vision for Ngāti Kahungunu. The vision, 'Ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama' reflects our collective desire, as Ngāti Kahungunu, To achieve excellence in the highest order and to be in constant pursuit of excellence in all areas of our lives.'[1]


In ensuing years, various initiatives were supported by NKII, aimed at strengthening the development of language and cultural capacity in Ngāti Kahungunu, including Community Based Language Initiative projects, Ngāti Kahungunu cultural standards for schools, the establishment of a Ngāti Kahungunu Taumata and Ngāti Kahungunu Kāhui Kaumātua.[2]


In 2005, Ngāti Kahungunu partnered with the Ministry of Education to deliver a Community Based Language Initiatives (CBLI) Project that contributed to the revitalisation of te reo Māori. The development of a language strategy for Ngāti Kahungunu was set in motion. Between October 2005 and March 2006, a series of consultation hui and online surveys were undertaken to gauge the perspectives of Ngāti Kahungunu descendants worldwide related to strengthening te reo and tikanga on Ngāti Kahungunu marae; the state of the language, culture and identity; visions for Ngāti Kahungunu reo and barriers to achieving that vision; and reasons for the lack of use of te reo in various domains. As a result of this consultation, a long term vision statement for te reo was confirmed and He Mahere Rautaki Hai Haumanu i Te Reo o Ngāti Kahungunu 2006-2027 - Strategic Plan for the Revitalization of Te Reo o Ngāti Kahungunu 2006-2027 was born.


[1] Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. (2006). 'Strategic Plan For The Revitalisation Of Te Reo O Ngāti Kahungunu 2006-2027.' p3[2] ibid p5


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