Te Taiwhenua O Te Whanganui-a-Orotū
About the Taiwhenua:
Te Whanganui Ā Orotū identify as descendants of the first people of the area who are linked to the land and to the waters of the region. From Toi, the line of descent extends to Mahu, the very beginning of our people who begat Orotū who resided at Te Whanganui ā Orotū for at least part of his life. Whatumamoa, his son was born at Te Whanganui ā Orotū and was one of the original owners of the land. The line descends to Turauwha, the principal chief at Otatara when Taraia, son of Kahungunu invaded and conquered Heretaunga 15 generations before 1850. Te Whanganui ā Orotu further establish descent from Tangaroa, god of the sea down through Pania and her child Moremore.
From the earliest of times, Te Whanganui Ā Orotū was highly prized for its enormous food resources and its access to major river systems and forest areas. Mahinga Kai identified ancestral rights to areas with Ngāti Tu, Ngāti Matepu and Ngai Te Ruruku ki Tangoio at the Northern end of Te Whanganui ā Orotū. Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāti Maahu and Ngai Tawhao occupied the western portion of Te Whanganui ā Orotū’s shoreline and Ngāti Pārau had ancestral rights to the southern portion of Te Whanganui Ā Orotū.
Kia horo te haere
Ngā Taumata ki Te Poraiti
Ko te kainga tena I pepehatia e o tipuna
Ko rua te paia ko te Whanga
He kainga o te Ata
He kainga ka awatea
He kainga ka ahiahi e tama e i
Go quickly to the heights of Poraiti
That is the land in a proverb of your ancestors
The Storehouse that never closed is Te Whanga
A meal in the Morning
A meal at noon
A meal in the evening
Te Whanga’s lament is a tribute acknowledging the abundance of food in Te Whanganui Ā Orotū and has been used metaphorically as the Strategic Vision for Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui Ā Orotū to inspire and motivate our Taiwhenua and people to achieve the Mission and objectives.
Governance Board (Updated 5 May 2022)
The Governance Board is made up of 8 Ahuriri Marae and a Chairperson. Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui ā Orotū are the mandated Iwi Authority for Ahuriri (Napier) and encompass marae and hapū from Te Haroto to Kohupatiki (Clive). In total there are 17 hapū and 8 marae. The marae includes Te Haroto, Petane, Tangoio, Waiohiki, Moteo, Wharerangi, Timikara and Kohupatiki.
The overarching strategic objectives of the Taiwhenua are to focus on building capability and capacity, achieving education, housing, employment and health outcomes and establishing a Research unit for our Taiao. The Hawke’s Bay Māori Business Hub established by Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui ā Orotu will assist businesses with Covid Recovery.
Chairperson: (George) Hori Reti - Board Representative on Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board (To view profile click here)
Kohupatiki Marae: (Deputy Chairperson): Api Robin
Timikara Marae: Leonard Kirk
Moteo Hamuera Marae: Peter Eden
Waiohiki Marae: Brenda Fergusson
Te Haroto Marae: Janice Kahukiwa
Petane Marae: Rose Hiha
Tangoio Marae: Marewa Reti
Wharerangi Marae: Tipene Cottrell
Office Management
Chief Executive Officer: Tania Eden
Strategic Advisor: Kare Wiki
Administration Manager: Angela Garnham (E) admin@taiwhenua.com.
Whānau Connector: Tangiora Bartlett
Project Manager / Taiao: Josh Eden-Whaitiri
Communications Advisor: Paoraian Manuel-Harman
Contact Information
Physical Address – 02 Wellesley Road, Napier South, Napier
Postal Address: PO Box 7101, Taradale, Napier 4141
Phone: 0800 4 AHURIRI
Email Address: admin@taiwhenua.com
Facebook: @taiwhenuatwao
Marae Map (click here)