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Te Ara Mātua

Te Ara Mātua is a new and improved way to support whānau through early intervention to limit whānau involvement with Oranga Tamariki. Te Ara Mātua is 1 of 9 prototypes that are being designed throughout the country. Te Ara Mātua responds to the findings of whānau outlined in the ‘Kōrero Mai Whānau Report’. In 2019, the ‘Kōrero Mai Whānau’ project took place at Waipatu Marae and provided a platform for whānau and hapū to share their experiences with maintaining their whānau and interactions with the state.
The launch took place on Wednesday 26 April 2023 at Waipatu Marae. 
"The new plan will see iwi and local organisations more involved in decision-making from the outset when whānau require intervention and support" Minister Kelvin Davis said at the launch on 26 April 2023. "The shift is expected to see a continued reduction in the number of children in care by using community relationships to intervene earlier and more effectively. “Ngāti Kahungunu whānau know what’s best for their mokopuna but they have not had the power and resources needed to make those crucial decisions and respond appropriately”, 
Whānau is the key to whānau success. Te Ara Mātua kaupapa will continue to evolve with whānau champions at the helm. Community plays a vital role in ensuring the wellbeing of mokopuna and their whānau. 
Our Guiding Principles
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated is governed by values and guiding principles that strengthen its overall purposes which are:
  • Te Tuhonohono o Kahungunu - To act for the prime benefit of Ngāti Kahungunu iwi.

  • Te Hononga Mareikura o Takitimu - To collaborate with Iwi on issues that concern the Maori nation

  • Te Kotahitanga - To work with the community to advance the vision for Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi.

  • Te Whakaputanga o ngā Rangatira - To secure our sovereign global place in the world

  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi - To engage with the Crown to achieve the mission of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc

Intellectual Protection

Te Ara Mātua is a kaupapa that was designed by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated its Te Tumu Whakahaere advisory partners and the Te Ara Toiora whānau champions. The concepts, graphs, and all kaupapa designs are copyrighted under the  Cultural Creative Intellectual Property Rights Reserved ©℗®™2009 

Any use of the kaupapa must be approved by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated and the Te Tumu Whakahaere o Te Wero collective before it can be copied or used by anyone. This information remains the Intellectual Property of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. and is not for public use. For all inquiries contact the Communications Advisor. 

Te Hītori o Ara Mātua 
  • In 2019, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi incorporated (NKII) made a stance, ‘Not one more child’ – meaning, not one more child will be taken into the ‘Oranga Tamariki’ system without our intervention.
  • NKII invited whānau to share their stories and personal experiences with Oranga Tamariki and the wider system. Kōrero Mai Whānau is the report – the undiluted voice of our whānau.
  • NKII listened to the voice of our whānau and took their concerns and recommendations to the Heads of Government Agencies.
  • NKII is working alongside ‘Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children’ to progress ‘Te Ara Mātua’ a project to change and improve support and care of our whānau in a culturally enhancing way that meets the needs and aspirations of whānau.
  • To ensure the whānau voice continues to be at the centre of ‘Te Ara Mātua’ Ngāti Kahungunu continues to engage with whānau champions.
  • It is important to reaffirm the aspirations and whakaaro of whānau in shaping this design to ensure it meets their future needs
  • Te Tumu Whakahaere o Te Wero is a wellbeing advisory group of partners who have contributed to the overall design of Te Ara Mātua. They are a collective made up of health and wellbeing providers from across Hawke’s Bay. The services provided by the collective play an important role including care providers, managing homes, health needs and youth support.
  • The shift is expected to see a continued reduction in the number of children in care by using community relationships to intervene earlier and more effectively.
  • There are currently 9 prototypes across Aotearoa. Apart from Ngāi Tahu and Waikato-Tainui all prototypes are in the Service Design phase.
  • On Wednesday 26 April 2023 Kahungunu launched the first stage of Te Ara Mātua
  • On Thursday 27 April 2023, Māori Service Providers and Oranga Tamariki Staff were introduced to Te Ara Mātua
Click on the links below to view videos and pictures from the launch of Te Ara Mātua
Photo 26-04-23, 10 42 39 AM.jpg
Photo 26-04-23, 10 42 51 AM.jpg
Photo 26-04-23, 11 55 20 AM.jpg
Photo 26-04-23, 11 55 40 AM.jpg

Sharing the Pathway Plan

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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