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Kahungunu Iwi Violence Free Action Plan

Whakamoe Patu - 'Laying down of Arms'
A Plan of Action...
  1. Te Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga me Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

  2. Te Tūhonohonotanga o Kahungunu..

  3. Te Hononga Māreikura o Takitimu.

  4. Te Kotahitanga.

  5. Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Pakoihiwi ki te Pakihiwi.

  6. Whakapapa.

Ngā Whāinga / Goals
  1. Establish a research base that will enhance a Violance Free Iwi.

  2. To dispel the illusion that whānau violence is normal.

  3. Develop an integrated and coordinated approach toward whānau violence.

  4. To promote standards of Practice that are authentic to Ngāti Kahungunu.

  5. To empower whānau, hapū and iwi to transform from a state of violence to a state of Wellbeing.

  6. Ensure the Ngāti Kahungunu Violence Free Strategy is maintained and effectively resourced.


Kaitoko Whānau (Family Support) 

Kaitoko Whānau, meaning “Family Support”, are community-based workers in Māori communities. The Kaitoko Whānau focus on improving service delivery for families, rather than individuals, and foster positive development of whānau whānui.


Kaitoko Whānau work alongside families experiencing challenging times, and assist them to connect with government agencies, local councils and other social service providers ensuring whānau receive all of the assistance available to them. In addition, Kaitoko Whānau liaise with community groups and Māori Wardens to promote and encourage a wider network of support for whānau.


This Whānau Support Service is sponsored by Te Puni Kōkiri.


 'Nau mai, haere mai'...


Pine pine te kura, hau te kura.....

© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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