Ngāti Kahungunu (Wairoa Taiwhenua) Inc.

About the Taiwhenua:
The Wairoa Taiwhenua building is based on Bridge Street, Wairoa. It is situated directly to the left after crossing the bridge over Te Wairoa-hōpūpū-hōnengenenge-matangi-rau River. Wairoa is a beautiful country town only minutes away from the most northern coastline of Kahungunu.
Wairoa Taiwhenua is continually looking at opportunities in working alongside other local entities to host an array of activities, hui and events ranging from history, research and whakapapa to supporting environmental and social service issues to enhance the wellbeing of Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa whānau and hapū.
Pepeha Details:
Ko Tamatea te ariki-nui
Ko Ruawharo te tohunga
Ko Ruaumano te kaitiaki
Ko Takitimu te waka-tipua
Ko Te Whakapunake-a-te-matau-a-Maui-Tikitiki-a-Taranga te maunga
Ko Te Wairoa-hopupu-honengenenge-matangirau te waiora
Ko Ngati Kahungunu te iwi nui-tonu
Ko Wairoa te Taiwhenua
Tihei Wairoa!
Governance Board: (Updated 1 February 2022)
Nigel How (Chairman)
Naomi Wilson (Deputy Chairman)
Alice Wairau
Esta Wainohu
Henare Mita
Jasmine Heta
Katarena Edwards
Katarina Kawana
Merianne Tipoki Orlowski
Theresa Thornton
Office Administration
Office Administrators - Pita Robinson and Danika Goldsack .
Contact Information
Physical Address: 3-5 Bridge Street, Wairoa
Postal Address: PO Box 119, Wairoa
Phone: 06 838 4748
Email Address:
Marae Map (click here)
Waihua Marae
Whakaki Marae
Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hinepua, Ngāi Te Ipu
State Highway 2, Wairoa