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Education - Mātauranga

Goal Three: Whakaako - Kahungunu Wisdom (Philosophy)

Represents new understandings brought to light within the education sector, how these
understandings impact or influence whānau and their holistic wellbeing and reflects the
further design and development of Ngāti Kahungunu knowledge.


Level 1   






Level 2   








Level 3   



The Ngāti Kahungunu Education Strategy

Te Tōpuni Tauwhāinga



Educational institutions are proactively engaging with           traditional and contemporary Ngāti Kahungunu cultural         knowledge, stories and traditions and are therefore               starting to plan, develop and or access appropriate        

workshops and training for their teachers in partnership  

with their whānau; and,

Educational institutions are exploring Ngāti Kahungunu         cultural knowledge, stories and traditions and how these       can be used to improve Māori student outcomes in  

partnership with whānau;

Compulsory attendance at local Ngāti Kahungunu        

cultural knowledge, stories and traditions workshops           and courses is part of our Ngāti Kahungunu educational       institutions’ annual professional learning and  

development programme.

Whakaako affirms the necessity of;


  • developing quality professional learning and development programmes for schools,

teachers, whānau and the wider community;


  • Implementing quality professional learning and development programmes for

teachers, schools, whānau and the wider community;


  • Recognising and proactively supporting Ngāti Kahungunu culture and language in

the curriculum.


© 2024 by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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